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fine art prints, canvas art, wall art, wall decor, metal prints, canvas prints, epoxy prints

Canvas Prints

    • Our prints are made on 450gsm, 20mil high quality bright white, UV resistant canvas-poly made specifically for photographic style prints and giclee’s of finer detail and high resolution.  They have a texture of canvas and capture images in stunning quality.
    • The prints are archival quality and the inks are made to last in excess of 200 years.  We use kiln dried hard wood stretchers to prevent warp, shrink, and sag, for many years of carefree enjoyment.  We do not use Optical Brightening Agents or OBA's which are cheaper but can cause color shift over time.
    • Canvas prints are gallery wrapped on a 1.25”-1.5” frame perfect to display prints – no additional framing needed.  They are lightweight and easy to hang.
    • They can be wiped clean with a cotton cloth and are fairly resilient, but should be treated with care as you might expect.  Canvas prints are ready to hang and come pre-fit with hanging hardware already attached.

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